Chapter-10(Mechanical Properties of Fluids)

Pascal27s Law 2

Pascal’s Law

The French scientist Blaise Pascal observed that pressure in a liquid at rest is the same at all point if they are at the same height. This is known as Pascal’s law. Proof Of Pascal’s Law It can be proved by using two principles as Now we consider an element in the interior of a […]

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Pressure 1


The pressure of liquid at a point is the thrust (or normal force) exerted by the liquid at rest per unit area around that point. If the total force F acts normally over a flat area A, then the pressure is If the force is not distributed uniformly over the given surface, the pressure will

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Thrust 3


A liquid in equilibrium has a fundamental properties that it exerts a force on any surface in contact with it and this force act perpendicular to the surface. The total force exerted by a liquid on any surface in contact with it is called thrust. It is because of this thrust that a liquid flows

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