This post contains CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Book important questions and answers from all chapters in the book Flamingo. This article contains the most important questions with answers for all the chapters in the book Flamingo From class 12 English book.
All CBSE class 12th English students must read for the students before the final board exam 2023 because it will help them prepare better for the type of questions that will appear in the board exam 2023.

Given Below Are Chapter Wise Important Questions With Answers
Chapter 1 : The Last Lesson
Ques 1 Who did M. Hamel blame when Franz was unable to answer a question on French participles?
Ans: M. Hamel blames:
– people of Alsace for postponing learning. ·
– parents who preferred to send their children to work in fields and mills instead of sending them to school. ·
– himself for not fulfilling his duty as a teacher sincerely – by sending the children to water the plants in the garden & declaring a holiday whenever he wanted to go for fish
Ques 2 “We‟ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with” said M.Hamel. Refer to the context and explain what he wanted to convey to his students
Ans: – M. Hamel said it to Franz when he felt embarrassed at not being able to answer – he consoles Franz by saying everyone in Alsace is to be blamed for them not learning their mother tongue/parents ,teacher and children all are to be blamed /Alsace puts off learning for tomorrow
Ques 3 Why did Hauser and the other villagers come to attend the last lesson?
Ans: They wanted to express their repentance for their casual approach to their own schooling
– They wanted to thank M. Hamel for his 40 years of dedicated service • They wanted to show respect to their country which was no longer theirs
Ques 4 How did Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school change ?
Ans: Franz shocked to learn about the last lesson in French; no longer felt Hamel was cranky and strict-developed a fondness; developed fondness for school books, considered them as old friends; became attentive, regretted not studying attentively in the past
Ques 5 What is the effect of the order from Berlin on the people especially Hamel as described in, ‘The Last Lesson’ ?
Ans: on children (Franz)
– did not find the teacher cranky
– gave complete attention to the lesson
– understood the lesson clearly
on M.Hamel
– wore his special dress to the class to show respect to his language
– felt guilty for having being casual in his attitude to teaching
(giving holidays when he wanted to do fishing/ asking children to water his garden)
– taught the lesson very patiently
– wrote Vive-la-France on the board
Chapter 2 : Lost spring
Ques 1 Why does Anees Jung say that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web?
Ans: The bangle makers are caught in a vicious web because they ·
– are compelled by family and traditions to follow the same lineage as their forefathers that too at an early age. ·
– are exploited at the hands of the Sahukars, middlemen, policemen, law makers, bureaucrats and politicians ·
– toil day and night, but are notpaid appropriate wages ·
– cannot form cooperatives for their betterment. ·
– cannot dare to dream
Ques 2 Mukesh is not like the others. His „dreams loom like a mirage amidst the dust of streets that fill his town Firozabad‟. Justify the statement in the light of contrast in the mindsets of Mukesh and the people of Firozabad.
Ans: -Firozabad- dominated by bangle industry, most families engaged in making bangles, work around furnaces, physically and mentally hazardous but noone dares to do anything else
– Mukesh – aspires to be a mechanic, unlike his peers, dares to dream, determined to walk to a garage and learn to drive, his passion would help him break away from tradition and achieve his goal
Ques 3 Do the poor have the right to dream? Why then does the author call Mukesh’s dream ‘a mirage’?
Ans: Everyone has the right to dream-even Mukesh in spite of the challenges of his life • But his dream is like a mirage
- Mukesh belonged to marginalized family
- disliked the profession of bangle making
- wanted to become a motor mechanic
- he lives in such poor conditions that it is impossible for him to learn to drive a car
- Bound by the tradition family of working in the bangle industry
- working for years in those bangle making mills will make him blind.
- Not equipped to break out of the vicious circle of politicians middlemen etc
- so the dream is compared to a mirage/hallucination
Ques 4 What makes Mukesh different from other boys of his age ?
Ans: – Mukesh ambitious
— not interested in bangle making
— wants to become a motor mechanic
– – dreams of driving a car
Ques 5 Describe the irony in Saheb’s name.
Ans. full name: Saheb-e-Alam means lord of the universe but in reality a rag picker, belongs to a family of migrants from Bangladesh , forced into labour from childhood due to poverty
Chapter 3 : Deep Water
Question 1 How did the near drowning experience at the pool affect Douglas?
Ans: • Felt weak and trembling as he walked back home
- Shook and cried as he lay on the bed • Couldn’t eat that night
- Haunting fear gripped him for days • Slightest exertion tired him
- Knees felt wobbly
- Felt sick in the stomach
- suffered from hydrophobia for years
Ques 2 The childhood experience of terror of Douglas made him stronger and more determined. Elucidate the above statement supporting it with evidences from the text.
Ans: – Experience at California beach developed an aversion of water in Douglas
– Misadventure at YMCA pool because of a eighteen year old, developed fear and terror of water in him
– Swallowed water, legs paralyzed, head throbbed, felt terror that knew no understanding – Could not go need water for years
– But, gathered courage again, as was deprived of canoeing, fishing, swimming – Hired an instructor and learnt swimming – Terror returned every time he put his head in water but did not give up
– After learning from instructor, tested himself alone in pool, then went to fresh waters to do away with residual doubts
– Fought with his terror all through with determination and strength
Ques 3 Mention any two long-term consequences of the drowning incident for Douglas.
Ans: – suffered fear of water
– could not enjoy canoeing, fishing, swimming
Ques 4 Which first incident in Douglas’ childhood filled him with fear of the water ?
Ans: – Douglas three or four years old
– – stood with father on Californian beach
– – waves knocked him down
– – buried in water
– – breath gone, frightened
Ques 5 What is your impression of Douglas’s swimming instructor ?
Ans: Douglas’ instructor
— very patient
— an expert-swimmer and teacher
— uses scientific approach
— able to instil confidence in Douglas
Chapter 4 : The Rattrap
Ques 1 What was the content of the letter written by the peddler to Edla?
Ans: The peddler had written that ·
– since Edla had treated him like a captain, he wanted to be nice to her in return. ·
– did not want her to be embarrassed at Christmas by a thief. ·
– had requested her to return back the crofter’s money that he had stolen – the rattrap was a Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in the world’s rattrap, if he had not been raised to the status of captain, which motivated him to reform himself.
Ques 2 Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?
Ans: -it showed that Edla‟s trust was not broken by peddler
– her goodness had paid off and peddler had transformed
– she will not have to suffer criticism for trying to help a thief
Ques 3 Edla’s empathetic and compassionate behaviour changed the life of the rat trap seller .Do you think that an act of kindness can change a person’s view of the world?
Ans: The peddler had been living a despicable life of poverty, despair and frustration
- he repaid the crofter’s hospitality by stealing his earnings
- he repaid the ironmaster’s invitation to the manor house by giving a piece of his mind when the latter talked of taking the matter to the sheriff. • the meeting with the ironmaster’s daughter was a turning point in his life.
- the kindness , the concern and the understanding that she showed him touched the core of his heart and transformed his way of thinking.
- the ironmaster’s daughter understood that he needed security and succor • she convinced her father to allow him to stay on in their house to share the Christmas cheer.
Ques 4 How did Edla persuade her father to let the pedlar stay in their home till Christmas ?
Ans: Walks the whole year long/ chades away/ no home that makes him feelwelcome/afraid of being arrested/wants him to enjoy at least one day of peace/morally they ought not to turn away a human whom they have invited for Christmas and promised Christmas cheer
Ques 5 Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from the crofter?
Ans: No,ashe was greeted by ‘sour’ and unfriendly faces whenever he knocked on doors.
Chapter 5 : Indigo
Ques 1How did Mahatma Gandhi uplift the peasants of Champaran?
Ans: Got them economic relief from the landlords/ taught them courage and gave themfreedom from fear/ provided solutions for their cultural and social backwardness/improved personal cleanliness,community sanitation and health condition.
Ques 2 How did Gandhiji succeed in getting justice for the Indigo sharecroppers?
Ans: Gandhiji stayed at Muzaffarpur where he met the lawyers and concluded that fighting through courts was not going to solve the problem of the poor sharecroppers of Champaran. ·
– He declared that the real relief for them was to be free from fear. With this intention, he arrived in Champaran and contacted the Secretary of the British Landlord’s association. The Secretary refused to provide him any information. ·
– After this, Gandhiji met the Commissioner of the Tirhut division who served a notice on him to immediately leave Tirhut. Gandhiji accepted the notice by signing it and wrote on it that he would not obey the order. – He was even willing to court arrest for the cause of the peasants. · – After four rounds of talks with the Governor, an official commission of inquiry was appointed in which Gandhiji was made the sole representative of the peasants. ·
– Through this commission Gandhiji succeeded in getting 25% of the compensation award for the poor sharecroppers from the British landowners. – The peasants realised that they had rights and defenders. They learnt courage
Ques 3 When Gandhi got the whole hearted support of the lawyers, he said, „The battle of Champaran is won‟. What was the essence behind his statement?
Ans: -Gandhi made lawyers realise their duty towards the peasants
-it would be shameful desertion on their part if they left the peasants if Gandhi was arrested
-lawyers understood, approached Gandhi and said they would accompany him to jail
-getting support of educated Indians like lawyers, Gandhi gained confidence that now they would win against the British
Ques 4 What qualities of Gandhiji as a political leader and social reformer are revealed in the chapter, ‘Indigo’ ?
Ans: Gandhiji –
as a political leader
— sympathetic-agreed to fight for indigo farmers
– – courageous refused to furnish bail
– – inspirational-changed the minds of the lawyers and motivated them to work for the peasants
– – realistic-agreed to the settlement of 25 percent from British landowners
as a social reformer
— visionary-realised the condition of peasants needed upliftment
– – brought workers including some of his own family members, doctors and teachers to teach and take care of the health of the villagers
Ques 5 Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’?
Ans: Because even after being told about the prior engagements of Gandhi at Cawnpore and other parts across the country, he continues to accompany Gandhi everywhere
Chapter 6 : Poets and Pancakes
Ques 1 Author has used gentle and subtle humour to point out human foibles and idiosyncrasies in the lesson ‘ Poets and Pancakes’. Elucidate.
Ans: Exposes Robert Clive’s ambitions and his restless nature. ·
– Office boy’s boasting and bragging about his talent is brought out. · Legal adviser is known as the opposite. ·
– Use of pancake –ostensibly to cover the pores. ·
– Team of makeup artists is referred to as ‘gang of nationally integrated make up men’ who could turn any decent looking person into a hideous crimson hued monster. ·
– Strict hierarchy. ·
– Commenting on Subbu’s exposure to affluent situations. He ridicules his virtue- the virtue of being a Brahmin. His inefficiency is pointed out subtly with a comment ‘ he always had work for somebody’ . The rapidity with which Subbu offered his Boss alternatives when he got stuck up is very amusing.
– Pokes fun at the ignorance of all the people .People did not know who was Stephen Spenders and why had he arrived.
Ques 2 Subbu is described as a many-sided genius. List four of his special abilities.
Ans: – a multi-disciplinarian
– provide solutions to problems
– could remain cheerful all the time
– was an actor, a poet and a novelist.
Ques 3 What made the lawyer stand out from the others at Gemini Studios?
Ans: – wore pants and a tie and sometimes a coat whereas everyone wore similar khadi dhoti
Ques 4 Who was The Boss of Gemini Studios?
Ans: Mr. S.S. Vasan
Ques 5 Who was the English visitor to the studio?
Ans: Stephen Spender who was the editor of The Encounter, a British Periodical, and a famous English poet, essayist and novelist of the twentieth century.
Chapter 7 : The Interview
Ques 1 How does Eco find the time to write so much?
Ans: According to Eco
–like the universe has empty spaces, our lives too, have a lot of empty spaces or ‘interstices
– he has a few moments to spare in between two different tasks, instead of wasting them, he uses the time to write.
Ques 2 Do you think Umberto Eco likes being interviewed? Give reasons for your opinion.
Ans: Yes, as he
– readily answers every question
– does not seem apprehensive about sharing his secrets
Ques 3 What was distinctive about Eco’s academic writing style?
Ans: Eco’s style is personalised and playful, and in the form of a narrative.
Ques 4 Did Umberto Eco consider himself a novelist first or an academic scholar?
Ans: Eco considered himself an academic scholar first and then a novelist.
– wrote more scholarly articles as compared to novels
– ttended academic conferences and not meetings of Pen Clubs
– he was a university professor who wrote novels on Sundays
Ques 5 What is the reason for the huge success of the novel, The Name of the Rose?
Ans: According to Eco
– the success behind The Name of the Rose is a mystery
– Perhaps the time in history when it was written has proved favourable for its success.
According to Mukund
– the novel’s setting in the medieval past might have contributed to its success
Chapter 8 : Going Places
Ques 1 In what way was Sophie’s hero worship and fantasizing at odds with her socio-economic background? Was she justified in dreaming the ‘impossible’?
Ans: Sophie’s ambition and dreams are unrealistic
- wants to start a boutique • to earn money by becoming a manager, an actress or even a fashion designer
- she belongs to weak socio-economic background • doesn’t have decent house • will have to work in a biscuit factory • yet dreams of a glamorous life
- fantasizes about her hero who is an Irish player Danny Casey
- dreams of meeting him
Ques 2 Maintaining a balance between one’s fantasies and the real world is the key to the survival . Give your opinion on Sophie’s character in the light of the above statement.
Ans: Sohpie’s real world
- Sophie the protagonist- a teenager belongs to the poor socio economic background • she doesn’t own a decent house.
- her brother Geoff is an apprentice mechanic
- her father worked hard for a living
- her mother had a crooked back due to the house-hold burden
- both her parents as well as her brother lacked sophistication
- she is earmarked for working in a biscuit factory
Sohpie’s fantasies
- Sophie lives in a world of her own
- she wants to start a boutique
- she wants to earn money by becoming a manager, an actress or even a fashion designer
- ‘areas of Geoff’s life’ which are unknown to her hold a special fascination for her
- she fantasizes and goes to places in her imagination • she is fond of hero worship and fantasizing
- her hero is an Irish player Danny Casey
- dreams of meeting him and taking his autograph
- is so much obsessed with meeting him
- starts believing her imaginations as real
- she crosses the border of normalcy when she tells her family that she actually met him and that he wants to take her on a date • nobody believes her
- then she actually goes to the place and literally waits for him to appear • feels disappointed
- she still believes that she had met him
Ques 3 Unrealistic dreams often lead to a great deal of unhappiness. Justify the statement on the basis of the story „Going Places‟
Ans: -Sophie belongs to lower middle class but dreams of opening a boutique, become an actress or fashion designer; no financial support in fact father expecting her to buy a decent house for the family when she gets some money -also fantasizes of meeting the football sensation, Danny Casey -She has started living her dreams and has got disconnected with the reality
-this causes her great disappointment and sorrow in life-when Danny did not come to meet her near the canal, Sophie was heartbroken and worried about how she would convince Geoff about Danny
-sadness was hard burden to carry
Ques 4 In what way was Sophie’s hero worship and fantasizing at odds with her socio-economic background? Was she justified in dreaming the ‘impossible’?
Ans: • Sophie’s ambition and dreams are unrealistic
- wants to start a boutique
- to earn money by becoming a manager, an actress or even a fashion designer • she belongs to weak socio-economic background
- doesn’t have decent house
- will have to work in a biscuit factory
- yet dreams of a glamorous life
- fantasizes about her hero who is an Irish player Danny Casey
- dreams of meeting him
Ques 5 How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other ?
Ans: Jansie:
– practical, down to earth, realistic, accepting of her economic status
– impractical, romantic, lives in a dream world, attracted by the glamorous world , imaginative- creates a whole story about Danny Casey; deep longing to change her circumstances