Some More Methods To Measure The Distance

(I) LASER Method

The full form of LASER is light amplification by stimulation emission of radiation. The reflection method for measuring the distance of the moon is LASER method.

Distance of the Moon from the Earth

S = c×t/2

Where, c = Speed of light ( 3×10⁸ m/s), t = Time elapsed between the instants the LASER beam is send to the moon and received back.

(II) RADAR Method

The full form of RADAR is Radio detection and ranging. RADAR method is used for estimating the distance of nearby planet from the Earth.

S = c×t/2

(III) SONAR Method

The SONAR method is used for finding the depth of the sea-bed. SONAR stand for Sound navigation and ranging.

The distance of the submerged rock is

S = v×t/2

Where, v = Speed of the ultrasonic waves in water and t = time delay of the receipt of the eco.

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