Mass Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy


Einstein  showed that mass is another form of energy and one can convert mass-energy into other form of energy.

                              E = mc²

Where, E=energy, m=mass and c is speed of light.

Nuclear Binding Energy:

The energy with which nucleons are bound in the nucleus is called nuclear binding energy.

The main cause of binding energy is mass defect.

#The sum of the masses of neutrons and protons (nucleons) forming a nucleus is more than the actual mass of the nucleus is known as mass defect.

If certain number of neutrons and protons are brought together to form a nucleus of a certain charge and mass, an energy Eb will be released in the process. Energy Eb is called binding energy of the nucleus.

Thus, the binding energy of a nucleus is equivalent to the mass defect of the nucleus.

If we separate a nucleus into its nucleons, We would have to supply a total energy equal to Eb, then from Einstein equation [E = ∆mc²].

Where ∆m is mass defect

Average Binding Energy Per Nucleon of Nucleus:

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