CBSE 10th Social Science Term-2 2022: Important 3 Marks Questions With Solution
In this post I have provided CBSE class 10 social science important short answer type questions to prepare for Term 2 board Exam 2022. Here we are provided the sets of questions which are best to prepare the 3 marks questions from all chapters of Class 10 Social Science.
Also Read: CBSE Class 10 Subject-Wise Sample Paper From Official Website
These questions have been prepared by me and the examination experts. All Students can easily read all questions in revise them to score maximum marks in their final Social Science board exam 2022.
Also Read: CBSE Class 10th Social Science Term-2 Sample Papers
Given below are the CBSE class 10 social science chapters name with their respective questions with answer.

Chapter Name
Nationalism in India
Que 1. What was the main reason to withdraw the Non-cooperation Movement?
Ans : Causes of withdrawal of the Non-cooperation Movement:
(i) Due to the Chauri Chaura incident where 22 policemen were burnt alive, Mahatma Gandhi decided to withdraw the movement.
(ii) He felt the movement was turning violent in many places and satyagrahis needed to be trained properly for mass movement.
(iii) Within the Congress, some leaders were tired of mass struggles and they now wanted to participate in elections.
Que 2. Name three main ‘Satyagraha’ movements organized by Mahatma Gandhi successfully in favour of peasants in 1916 and 1917.
Ans : After arriving in India, Mahatma Gandhi organised several Satyagraha Movements in various places:
(i) Champaran: In 1917 he travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasants to struggle against the exploitative plantation system.
(ii) Kheda: In 1917, he organised a Satyagraha Movement in support of the Kheda peasants in Gujarat. These peasants were very much worried due to crop failure and a plague epidemic. Since they could not pay the revenue, they demanded relaxation in revenue collection.
(iii) Ahmedabad: In 1918, he went to Ahmedabad to organise Satyagraha Movement among the workers of cotton mills.
Que 3. Explain the idea of Satyagraha.
Ans : Satyagraha was a novel method of mass agitation. The idea of Satyagraha emphasized upon the power of truth and the need to search for truth. It suggested that if the cause was true and if the struggle was against injustice, then physical force was not necessary to fight the oppressor.
Through non-violent methods a Satyagraha could appeal the conscience of the oppressor by the power of truth, which was bound to win.
Que 4. How did the plantation workers understand the idea of ‘Swaraj’? Explain.
Ans : The plantation workers understood the idea of Swaraj as-
(i) The right to move freely in and out of the confined space in which they were enclosed.
(ii) It meant retaining a link with villages from which they had come.
(iii) They interpreted the Swaraj in their own ways, imagining it to be a time when all sufferings and all troubles would be over.
Que 5. Explain any three effects of the Non-cooperation Movement on the economy of India.
Ans : The effects of Non-Cooperation Movement on the economic front were immense. They were:
1. Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops were picketed, foreign cloth was burnt in huge bonfires.
2. The value of imported cloth halved between 1921-1922, it’s value decreasing from 102k to 57k.
3. In many paces merchants and traders refused to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade.
4. People began discarding foreign cloth and wearing Indian ones, the production of Indian hand mills went up.
As a result, production of Indian textile mills and handloom went up largely.
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Chapter Name
Manufacturing Industries
Que 1. Why have the demands of jute products increased internally as well as globally? Explain any two reasons.
Ans : Jute textile industry is an agro-based Industry.
USA, Canada, Russia, UAE, UK, and Australia are the main markets of jute where the demands have increased.
The main reason behind the increased demands are:
1. The demands have increased internally because of the norm made by the government on the mandatory packaging of goods with jute.
2. National Jute policy formulated increased the yield of jute production.
Que 2. How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants?
Ans : (i) Integrated Steel Plants These are large in size and handle everything under one roof. From sorting of raw material to manufacturing of steel, everything is done in a chain in integrated steel plants. At present, there are ten major integrated steel plants in India.
(ii) Mini Steel Plants These are smaller in size as compare to integrated steel plants. These usually have an electric arc furnace and use steel scrap and sponge iron as raw material. At present, there are more than 200 mini steel plants in India.
(iii) Problem Faced by Industry Poor infrastructure. Low efficiency of the work force. Shortage of the availability of cooking coal. Lack of energy supply.
(iv) Recent Developments In recent years, the Policy of Liberalization and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) have provided boost to iron and steel industry. Rapid infrastructure development has led to the growth of demand of iron and steel. India is now capable of producing steel more competitively.
Que 3. What is the importance of the Information Technology sector for the Indian economy? Explain.
Ans : The importance of IT sector is as follows:
(i) It has provided employment to over one million people.
(ii) This industry is said to be a major foreign exchange
(iii) It has helped in the growth of the service sector.
(iv) It provides employment to innumerable men and women.
Que 4. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced?
Ans : The waste water discharged by our industry pollutes fresh water. Hence, it is essential to save the stock of fresh water from being polluted. Some ways that can be followed in this direction are:
(i) Water should be re-used and re-cycled to minimise the use of water.
(ii) Hot water and effluents should be treated before releasing them in rivers and ponds.
(iii) Rainwater harvesting should be encouraged to meet water requirements.
Que 5. Why is iron and steel industry called a basic industry?
Ans : Iron and steel industry is called the basic industry because:
(i) All other industries – heavy medium and light, depend on it for their machinery.
(ii) Steel is needed to manufacture engineering goods, construction material, defence, medical, telephonic scientific equipments and a number of other consumer goods.
(iii) Production and consumption of steel is regarded as the index of country’s development. Today with 32.8 million tons of steel production, India ranks 9th among the world under steel producers.
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Chapter Name
Life Lines of National Economy
Que 1. Evaluate any three features of ‘Golden Quadrilateral’ Super Highways.
Ans : The features of Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways:-
- This has been planned to meet the requirement of a fast movement of traffic.
- The govt. has launched a major road development project linking Delhi- Kolkata- Chennai- Mumbai, and Delhi by 6- lane Super Highways.
- The North-South corridor linking Srinagar and Kanyakumari, and East-West corridor connecting Silcher (Assam) and Porbandar are parts of this project.
- The major objective of these Super Highways is to reduce the time and distance between the megacities of India.
- These projects are being implemented by the National Highway Authority Of India (NHAI) or metro city.
Que 2. What type of tourism may be developed in your state/UT and why?
Ans : The type of tourism may be developed India state/ UT is more popular zoos and wildlife sacuntuary. because it is popular among the world.
Que 3. List out the airports and seaports of Tamil Nadu.
Ans : Airports:
- Chennai International Airport
- Coimbatore International Airport
- Madurai International Airport
- Tiruchirapalli International Airport
Domestic Airports: - Tuticorin and Salem
Sea Port: Major Sea Ports are:
- Chennai
- Ennore and
- Tuticorin
The intermediate port at Nagapattinam and 15 minor ports.
Que 4. How tourism may be helpful for the economic development of a region adopting a sustainable development approach?
Ans : (i) Tourism helps in providing the much needed foreign exchange.
(ii) It helps in expanding business of the local business men.
(iii) It helps in the flourishment of traditional arts and culture.
(iv) It promotes the cultural heritage of the country.
(v) it exhibits the strengths of our country to the rest of the world.
(vi) It provides employment in service sector.
(vii) It increases the income of the country.
Que 5. What are the characteristics of Kandla Sea Port? Mention three points.
Ans : Characteristics of Kandla sea port:
(i) First port developed soon after India got independence.
(ii) Reduced the volume of traffic on Mumbai port.
(iii) Tidal port.
(iv) Caters exports and imports of highly productive granary and industrialised states.
(v) Free trade zone.
Que 6. Give any two demerits of air transport.
Ans : The demerits of air transport:
(i) It is not within the reach of common people.
(ii) It is limited to larger cities.
Que 7. Name the state in which Marmagao port is located.
Ans : Mormugao port:
- It is located on the western coast of India, in the state of Goa.
- It is an open type of natural harbor.
Que 8. ‘Dense and efficient network of transport and communication is a prerequisite for national and international trade’. Give four arguments to support this statement?
Ans : We use different materials and services in our daily life. Some of them are available in our immediate surroundings, while other requirements are met by bringing things from other places. The importance of transport and communication is seen in today’s time as the world has converted into a large village with the help of efficient and fast moving transport.
Arguments to support the above statement are as follows :
- Fast and efficient transport system is required for products to reach their destinations on time, otherwise business will suffer badly.
- Communication is vital for international trade where much advance planning is required for its success. For example a container has to be book in advance for export trade as most of the goods are exported through ships.
- Transport is required to carry raw materials to production centres and manufacturing hubs then to the markets.
- Modern communication facilities like the internet allow commercial transactions to take place over large distances including overseas transactions. They also keep buyers and sellers informed about their present and prospective markets.
Thus, it can be concluded that dense and efficient network of transport and communication is a pre-requisite for national and international trade.
Que 9. What are the problems faced by Indian Railways?
Ans : Problems faced by Indian railways are :
(i) It lacks repair and maintenance of tracks and bridges.
(ii) India as the railways operation is on their gauges and shift from gauge to another is a problem.
(iii) Rail traffic has increased and the old tracks are not able to carry the increased load and accidents are frequent.
Que 10. What made the location of inland oil refineries possible? Name any two inland oil refineries.
Ans : Location of inland oil refineries was made possible because of pipeline transportation which links them with oilfields.
Inland oil refineries are:
- Barauni
- Mathura
- Panipat.
Que 11. Write merits of waterways in India.
Ans : (i) Waterways are the cheapest means of transport.
(ii) They are most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky goods.
(iii) It is a fuel-efficient and environment friendly mode of transport.
Que 12. What are ‘Pawan Hans’ services? Write two purposes for which the services are used.
Ans : The Pawan Hans Helicopter Ltd., a public sector undertaking, provides helicopter services to:
- Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) in its offshore operations.
- Inaccessible areas and difficult terrains like the north-eastern states, the interior parts of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand.
- They are also pressed into service at the time of emergencies and for providing relief measures at the time of natural calamities.
Que 13. Define international trade. Why is it considered as economic barometer of a country?
Ans : When trade takes place between two countries it is known as international trade.
(i) It is very important for the development of a country. Advancement of international trade of a country is an index to its economic prosperity.
(ii) As the resources are space bound, no country can survive without international trade.
(iii) It enables a country to earn foreign exchange which is needed to import essential goods. It is, therefore, considered the economic barometer for a country.