CBSE Class 12 Hindi Deleted Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Deleted Syllabus 2022-23: In this session 2022-23 The small portions from both Hindi Core and Hindi Elective of CBSE Class 12 for current session has been reduced. All students can view the complete list of deleted syllabus in this post.

The latest syllabus for session 2022-23 for CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective students has been available on the academic website of the CBSE board.

If you are preparing for their coming board examination 2022-23, Then all of you need do their maximum performance in every subjects that is why it is very important to know actual syllabus before board examination.

Due to loss some month in COVID-19, this year also a major portion has be reduced from current syllabus, that is why all of you need to know about actual deleted syllabus for session 2022-23.ll dear students can go through syllabus reduction as per CBSE. In this article, I have provided deleted syllabus of both CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective of CBSE Class 12 for the current academic year, 2022-23.

All CBSE Class 12 Hindi students can go through syllabus reduction as per CBSE board. In this article, I have provided deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective for the current academic year 2022-23.

Here you can access Direct Link to download the latest syllabus for CBSE Class 12 Hindi Core and Hindi Elective.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi CORE Deleted Syllabus For Session 2022-23
नोट – पाठ्यक्रम के निम्नलिखित पाठ हटा दिए गए हैं।

आरोह भाग – 2

काव्य खंड

गजानन माधव मुक्तिबोध – सहर्ष स्वीकारा है (पूरा पाठ) फ़िराक गोरखपुरी – गज़ल

गद्य खंड

विष्णु खरे – चार्ली चैप्लिन यानी हम सब (पूरा पाठ)
रज़िया सज्जाद ज़हीर – नमक (पूरा पाठ)

वितान भाग – 2

एन फ्रैंक – डायरी के पन्ने

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Deleted Syllabus For 2022-23

पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतरा भाग 2

1.सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला – गीत गाने दो मुझे (घटाया गया पाठ का अंश और उससे संबंधित प्रश्न

  1. विष्णु खरे – एक कम, सत्य (पूरा पाठ)
  2. केशवदास – रामचंद्रिका (पूरा पाठ)
  3. घनानंद – सवैया (घटाया गया पाठ का अंश और उससे संबंधित प्रश्न अभ्यास)
  4. ब्रजमोहन व्यास – कच्चा चिट्ठा (पूरा पाठ)
  5. रामविलास शर्मा – यथास्मै रोचते विश्वम (पूरा पाठ )

पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतराल 2

1. संजीव आरोहण

The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus is one of the very first reference points for students to start their preparation for coming board examination 2022-23. Since the CBSE board has updated the Letest syllabus every year before actual board examination, So it is very important for the CBSE Class 12 Hindi students to take care of the recent updated syllabus and also the Deleted Portion for Session 2022-23.

For more information about current syllabus along with deleted syllabus for session 2022-23 and also many more information related to CBSE Class 12 Board Exams all of you can visit at Maths And Physics With Pandey Sir website.

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