CBSE Class 12 Home Science Sample Paper 2022
In This Post I Have Provided CBSE Sample Paper 2022 For Class 12 Home Science-PDF all students who have Home Science as one of their subjects can check here CBSE sample papers with solutions to the prepare for the board exams 2022. Sample Paper For CBSE Class 12 Home Science Term 2 is released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) along with the marking scheme.
CBSE Class 12 Sample paper for Home Science pdf with solution and CBSE Marking Scheme are the best resources to understand the paper pattern and marks distribution scheme for Term 2 board exams 2022. It is best to solve the CBSE sample paper for last-minute revision and to score maximum marks in the Board exam 2022.
Also Read: CBSE Class 12 Economics Sample Paper With Solution

Que.1 What two roles Sudha will have as a fashion merchandiser in each of the following fields:
a. In Manufacturing
b. In Promoting
(a) In Manufacturing :
(1) Makes significant input on the types of fabrics used to make a piece of clothing.
(2) Takes a designer’s piece and finds the best way to manufacture the
item, taking price and target market into consideration
(b) In Promoting :
(1) Organises fashion shows to promote designer’s items to capture the attention of potential buyers
(2) They seek out the target market for a designer’s clothing such as children’s clothing stores, etc.
Que.2. Enumerate four essential features of development communication.
Ans.2 Four essential features of development communication
1.It is oriented to socio-economic development and happiness of the people and community at large.
2.It aims at giving information and educating the community.
3.It combines suitable mass media and interpersonal communication channels for greater impact
4.It is based on the audience characteristics and their environment
Que.3. Noori wants to create a clothing collection using contrasting colour scheme. What four different types of contrasting scheme she can apply?
Ans.3 Four types of contrasting scheme –
1.Complementary harmony | Uses two hues that lie directly opposite to one another on the Colour Wheel. |
2.Double complementary | Has two pairs of complements, usually neighbours on the Colour Wheel. |
3.Split complementary | Has three colour combination- a hue, its complement (directly across on the Colour Wheel) and neighbour.It may also use a hue and two neighbours of its complement. |
4. Analogous complementary | A combination of analogous and complementary schemes, a complement selected for dominance in a group of neighbouring colours. |
Sushma wants to create dress using different shapes. Which four basic shapes she can create by using different types of lines?
Ans. Four basic shapes created by using different types of lines –
1. Natural shapes
2. Stylised shapes
3. Geometric shapes
4. Abstract shapes
Que.4. Give reason for the following:
a. Spinning to near dryness is avoided.
b. Agitators of washing machine should be made of bake lite.
Ans.4 a) Spinning to near dryness is avoidedIt may cause wrinkles which are difficult to remove during ironing.
b) Agitators of washing machine should be made of bake liteAs they are not affected by detergents, bleaches, softeners, etc.
Que.5. What do you understand by the term “campaign”? Write its two advantages
Ans.5 Campaign
It is a combination of the usage of different communication methods and materials about a theme for a predefined period of time.
Two advantages
1.Ensures attention and interest of audience
2.It lasts in the memory of the people and stimulates action.
3.Creates conducive environment for adoption of practices
State any two objectives of each RRE and SEWA project.
Ans. Two objectives of RRE –
1.Spread information regarding primary prevention services
2.Develop an understanding of the disease, to reduce stigma and discrimination against people with AIDS
Two objectives of SEWA project
1.To achieve full employment and self-reliance for women workers
2.Support women in other related areas like income, food and social security (health, childcare and shelter).
Que.6. Elaborate about the four stages of Guest cycle.
Ans.6 Four stages of Guest cycle
1.Pre-arrival stage- Quoting rates for a guest
2.Arrival Stage- Guest actually arrives and registers or checks-in
3.Occupancy- It provides various services as per the guest’s requirements, ensuring security of the guest and coordination of various guest services.
4.Departure- The guest is ready to leave/move out or check-out” of the accommodation
Que.7. You have taken training in consumer education and protection. What four job opportunities will be available to you?
Ans.7 Four job opportunities in consumer education and protection –
1. Work in government organizations like (BIS) Bureau of Indian Standards, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, (Ag MARK), etc.
2. Work in voluntary consumer organizations (VOICE/CERC) for product testing to create consumer awareness and publishing of magazines.
3. Work in consumer division of corporate houses that deal with consumer complaints and suggestions.
4. Work in National Consumer Helpline for consumer counselling
Que.8. Explain three levels of merchandising in fashion Industry.
Ans.8 Three levels of merchandising in fashion Industry
1.Retail Organisation Merchandising – Specialised management function within the fashion industry.
2.Buying Agency Merchandising-Provides services for goods buying consultancy.
3. Export House Merchandising- There are two types of merchandisers in an export house—the buyer merchandiser (they act as link between the buyer and the manufacturer) and the production merchandiser (they act as link between production and buyer merchants)
Nilesh wants to be a visual merchandise designer.
Ans. a. What are the four merchandising rights he should be aware of?
b. What two specific skills he must possess?
a. Four merchandising rights
1. Right Merchandise
2. At Right Place
3. Right Price
4. With Right Promotion
b. Two skills required
1. Forecasting ability
2. Analytical ability
3. Communication ability
Que.9. Why laundry is an art and science? Give any four differences between household and commercial laundry
Ans.9 Laundry is an art and science –
It is science as it is based on application of scientific principles and techniques.
It is art since application requires the mastering of certain skills to produce aesthetically pleasing results.
Any other (Any one explanation for each)
Four differences between household and commercial laundry
Quantum of clothes is less (5- 10 kg) | Quantum of clothes is more (100kg or more) |
No need of records | Proper record is maintained |
No separate sections | Separate area for inspection, sorting, drying, ironing, etc. |
Equipment used are brushes, buckets, basin, washing machine, etc. | Bigger equipment such as hydroextractors, flat bed for ironing, roller ironing, etc. |
Que.10. Rohan has just completed a course in Journalism. He wants to work with media industry. Discuss any six skills required for this field.
Ans.10 Six skills required for Journalism –
5.Questioning Ability
6.Ability to work with diverse groups
Que.11. The field of design for fabric and apparel has expanded and become so vast that it can actually be considered as two specializations. Reena has done a certificate programme from a recognised institute in this field. She wants to open up a fashion house.
a. She wants to create a unique design in a frock for a six-yearold girl. Explain with the help of diagram two ways of creating rhythm in it.
b. She is designing a gent’s kurta for a person with heavy arms. In what two ways she is going to shift the emphasis away from the arms. Support your answer with the help of suitable diagrams.
For visually impaired candidates
No need to draw diagrams
Ans.11 The field of design for fabric and apparel has expanded and become so vast that it can actually be considered as two specializations. Reena has done a certificate programme from a recognised institute in this field. She wants to open up a fashion house.
(a) She wants to create a unique design in a frock for a six-yearold girl. Explain with the help of diagram two ways of creating rhythm in it.
(b) She is designing a gent’s kurta for a person with heavy arms. In what two ways she is going to shift the emphasis away from the arms. Support your answer with the help of suitable diagrams.
Que.12. Draw an organizational chart of a housekeeping department. What four responsibilities will Neeta perform if she joins this department? For visually impaired candidatesWrite an organizational chart of a housekeeping department. What four responsibilities will Neeta perform if she joins this department?
Ans.12. Organizational chart of a housekeeping department

Four responsibilities of housekeeping department
1. Cleaning of public areas and guestrooms
2. Supply, upkeep of laundry and exchange of various linen
3. Internal flower arrangement and maintenance of external landscape or garden.
4. Pest control
Your brother has recently joined front office department of hotel. Tell him about four duties and responsibilities of each manager and supervisor of this department.
Four duties and responsibilities of front office manager
1.Responsible for managing the entire department, lobby, transport activities.
2.Schedules shifts/staff rotation
3.Coordinating with Housekeeping for VIP Check ins
4.Coordinating with Sales Department for any group or bulk check ins
Four duties and responsibilities of front office supervisor
1. Manages each shift
2. Keeps a track of the occupancy
3. Briefing all the staff on the duty for that shift from the dept.
4. Keeps a track on the check ins and check outs
Que.13. Every human being has not only rights but also responsibilities”. Therefore, as a consumer, what eight responsibilities you need to be aware of?
Ans.13 Eight responsibilities of consumers
1. Regularly updating their knowledge of various laws and legislative procedure
2. Should be honest in all dealings and must pay for all purchases.
3. Should feel free to choose from the variety available as per their needs and requirements.
4. Read all the information given on the label/ brochure.
5. Buy products with standardization marks.
6. Keep receipts and other relevant documents of purchase.
7.Should read and understand all terms and conditions, liabilities, service charges etc.
8. Increase awareness about activities, work and action of various national and international consumer organizations