Various Terms Related to Magnetism

Various Terms Related to Magnetism: Magnetic Intensity(H):- The capacity of magnetic field to magnetize the substance is measured in terms of magnetic intensity of the field.   Intensity of Magnetisation(I):- The intensity of magnetization of a magnetized substance represent the degree to which the substances magnetized.   Magnetic Induction(B):- It is defined as the number of […]

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The Earth’s Magnetism

The Earth’s Magnetism: In 1600, Sir William Gilbert was the first to suggest that the Earth itself is a huge magnet. Earth behave as if a powerful magnet is placed within it. But this assumptions fails because temperature inside the earth is very high (more than Curie temperature). If there is any bar magnet inside

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Magnetism and Gauss’ law

Magnetism and Gauss’ law: The net magnetic flux (∅B) through any closed surface is always zero.   This law states that the number of magnetic field lines living any closed surface is always equal to the number of magnetic field lines entering it. Let a closed surface S is held in a uniform magnetic field

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The Electrostatic Analog

The Electrostatic Analog: The magnetic dipole moment of a bar magnet- M= m(2l), where,  m = strength of the pole and 2l = length of dipole. The magnetic dipole is analogous to an electric dipole consisting of two equal charges of opposite sign(+- q) separated by 2a. Electric dipole moment P=q(2a) The equation for magnetic

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